Starts March 5th - Runs for 6 weeks - Tuesdays 6-7pm
Brand NEw Program
Join A Passionate Group Of Ladies Committed To Toning, Sculpting and Shaping Their Bodies, Just In Time For The Summer! 
Who Are You?
What if you could change Your Entire World?
And Fall In Love  With You Again?
As ladies, we often give ourselves wholly to everyone around us, and unfortunately put our own needs last. 
This fall, put YOU first, and become all you can be! ❤️ 
Pssst, we've got a secret to share with you...
Here's What You Need to Know...
This Program Will Get Your Life Back.
  •  Group Lead Classes: Don't worry if you're a total beginner, that's what we're here for! Our highly educated, super fun and driven coach is there to lead you to your ultimate goals. 
  • No Equipment Needed: This program isn't about filling your closet with even more stuff! We've got everything you need here to help you feel your absolute best, in record time. 
  • Bring On The Fire: These circuit style classes use a blend of the best fitness techniques designed to sculpt your body, while keeping you in love with your goals, and most importantly, in love with you. 
Meet Your Body Sculpting Coach
We're In This Together!
Coach Caroline has been with us at Family Kickboxing for many years, and has a passion for health and fitness. 
Coach Caroline
Bold Fitness Studio
100 Brian McKee Lane
Sudbury, Ontario